#ASIS 0.1.0
Do you want to cover your legacy code with thousands of automated unit tests in just few lines of code?!..
Asis means “as is”, and the Asis project is inspired by ApprovalTests project and shares its key concepts.
As mentioned in this article currently ApprovalTests concepts works best when you deal with 2 things:
- UI design;
- legacy code.
Asis is about legacy code.
Often you have a huge legacy code project where you have no tests at all, but you have to change code to implement a new feature, or refactor. The interesting thing about legacy code is – It works! It works for years, no matter how it is written. And this is a very great advantage of that code. With approvals, with only one test you can get all possible outputs (HTML, XML, JSON, SQL or whatever output it could be) and approve, because you know – it works! After you have complete such a test and approved the result, you are really much safer with a refactoring, since now you “locked down” all existing behavior.
Asis tool is exactly about mantaining the legacy code through creating and running characterization tests automatically.
ApprovalTests allows you to record and approve every possible output of any module, meanwhile the main goal of Asis is to maximally automate this process.
##Main concept
The main idea is the following: while user or tester is using your product (for example, Web site) the Asis tool records the function calls which are performed, the sets of arguments which are passed to the function and the received output. Output can be any, starting from strings, integers, HTML, JSON and finishing with serialized objects with complex internal structure. We don’t care what we receive – we just record it and approve as correct result, because we know that we are working with the stable release version.
So just using your product or surfing the Web-site , user or tester records hundreds or thousands different characterization tests!
Then when we are going to start the refactoring, we switch off the tests recording and make changes to the codebase.
Now periodically running recorded tests we can ensure that the functionality of stable version is not ruined at least in the part covered by tests we had generated eariler.
(Thus we injected tests recording with primitive stack backtracing in Zend_Db_Table class of our Zend Framework application and receive tests suit with hundreds of variuos tests for our object-relational mapping layer in several minutes of just web-site surfing!)
This concept is far away from being the “silver bullet” of unit testing. One of the reasons is the following: it does not generate any “dirty” tests with broken input which are probably even more important than simplest tests with just regulary input data.
Currently we chose PHP language and implemented very simple set of functionality, but I am pretty sure that this concept may be usefull in other programming languages and environments.
##Quick start
Just run
php sample.php
from your command line and see explanations in Usage section.
The recording of test is performed in one line of code, so for simple class
// Simple class that we want to test class Foo { public function bar($x) { return $x * $x; } }
just create Asis_Logger
object (for the simplicity we bind project root directory to the current directory)
$logger = new Asis_Logger( array("applicationPath" => dirname(__FILE__)) );
and pass class name, public method name and input argument to its log method:
$logger->log('Foo', 'bar', 2);
Now the sample input data is in the tests/inputs/sample.xml
Then create a tester class
$tester = new Asis_Tester(); // Note: all classes which are tested should be available here // either with require_once-s or with autoloading
Run tests (first pass – recording outputs for recently added tests)
$tester->run(); // serialized output for just added test (value 4 for our case) is now // in tests/outputs/Foo/bar-a5f5d7a5fc80600513c623db108873af.received.txt
Approve output
$tester->approve(); // tests/outputs/Foo/bar-a5f5d7a5fc80600513c623db108873af.received.txt is renamed in // tests/outputs/Foo/bar-a5f5d7a5fc80600513c623db108873af.approved.txt
Run tests again to check the results (second pass – unit testing mode)
$tester->run(); // 1 tests executed // 0 assertions
P.S.: We consciously do not use PHP 5.3+ namespaces in library (we use Zend Framefork 1.x class naming convention instead) cause we target on legacy environments were even older versions of PHP interpreter can be installed.
##Logger injection strategies
You can simply add Asis_Logger
code to some common points of your application, and call its log
method with parameters received by simple stack backtracing.
PHP pseudocode:
foreach (debug_backtrace() as $call) { if(areWeInterestedInThisMethod($call)) $logger->log($call['class'], $call['function'], $call['args']); }
For example, in our Zend Framework project we injected tests recording in Zend_Db_Table class which implements Table Gateway pattern.
Thus we instantly received hundreds of tests for object-relational mapping (ORM) layer.
Other and probably more promising approach is to integrate with some AOP (Aspect-oriented programming) framework.
Using of AOP will allow you to call the log
function on every public method call of every class in your project,
resulting in much more higher code coverage!
##Advanced usage
You can provide additional parameters to Asis_Logger
and Asis_Tester
to set directory pathes and extensions.
$logger = new Asis_Logger( 'applicationPath' => "/path/to/your/project" 'inputDataPath' => "/path/to/directory_with_testdata/inputs", 'inputExtension' => "xml" );
$tester = new Asis_Logger( 'inputDataPath' => '/path/to/directory_with_testdata/inputs', 'inputExtension' => 'xml', 'outputDataPath' => '/path/to/directory_with_testdata/outputs', 'outputExtension' => 'txt' );
class which you may find in library directory is just a sample code with configuration file parsing and command-line interface implementation (which not works from the box because it needs some additional dependencies: ZF’s Zend_Config and Commando).
/* * Sample command-line interface using Zend_Config and */ require_once 'Zend/Config.php'; require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; require_once 'Asis/Common/InputDataProvider.php'; require_once 'Asis/Tester.php'; class Asis_Commander { private $_asisTester; public function __construct($argv) { $config = new Zend_Config_Ini('asisConfig.ini'); $cmd = new CommandoCommand($argv); $this->_asisTester = new Asis_Tester_Tester(array( 'inputDataPath' => $config->inputPath, 'outputDataPath' => $config->outputPath, 'inputExtension' => $config->inputExtension, 'outputExtension' => $config->outputExtension) ); $cmd->option('r')->boolean()->aka('run')->describedAs('Run testing'); $cmd->option('a')->boolean()->aka('approve')->describedAs('Approve received tests'); if ($cmd['run']) $this->run(); if ($cmd['approve']) $this->approve($config->inputPath, $config->outputPath); } private function run() { return $this->_asisTester->run(); } private function approve() { return $this->_asisTester->approve(); } }
##Implementation details
Currently Asis uses 2 internal serializers by default:
to create human readable XML files with tests; - native PHP serialization functions (serialize and unserialize) for outputs saving (in general case we don’t require them to be human readable, because we don’t really care about results if we previously assume that system is stable).
Each XML-file internally consists of one global node which contains class nodes. Class nodes in its turn contain method’s nodes which contain nodes with input datasets to perform…