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What is Cubix?

Cubix is a framework for language-parametric program transformation,
i.e.: defining a single source-to-source program transformation tool that
can be run on multiple languages. In Cubix, you can write
transformations with a type signature like “This transformation works
for any language that has assignments, loops, and a name-binding
analysis,” and instantly get separate tools for C, Java, etc. The goal is to radically reduce the cost of building sophisticated
whole-program refactoring tools by allowing each tool to be built for
a much larger market.
Cubix is based on the idea of incremental
parametric syntax, a technique for defining families of
representations of programming languages which share common
components, and for defining them as a small modification to a
pre-existing syntax definition. The name “Cubix” comes from the 2000s
television show “Cubix: Robots for Everyone;” in that show, “Cubix” is
a robot composed of modular pieces that can be reassembled for many purposes.
It currently supports C, Java, JavaScript, Lua, and Python.
The Cubix system itself, and the general incremental parametric syntax
approach, is described in the OOPSLA 2018 paper:

We also recommend reading the following papers to get the necessary
background in generic programming to understand Cubix:

  • Data Types à la Carte, Wouter Swierstra
  • Compositional Data Types, Patrick Bahr and Thomas Hvitved

Transformations in Cubix use our compstrat library of strategy
combinators. To understand strategy combinators, we recommend the
following paper:

  • The Essence of Strategic Programming, Ralf Lämmel et al

What Cubix is not

Cubix is the world’s first framework that can build language-parametric
source-to-source transformations. As the first of its kind, it often
gets mistaken for a solution to more familiar problems. In particular,
it is not:

  • A tool for translating one language into another. Cubix allows you
    to create a single tool that can transform C programs into better C
    programs and Java programs into better Java programs. It is not
    designed for building tools that can transform C programs into Java programs. Indeed, much of
    its power comes from its ability to preserve all the information of
    the original program.
  • A collection of ready-to-use refactoring tools. Thus far, all
    transformations built on Cubix are tech demos. While a couple are
    theoretically useful, they have not undergone the amount of UX
    engineering needed to actually be time-savers.
  • A framework for writing multi-language program analyses. Cubix transformations may consume results
    provided by other analyses, which may be written in either a
    single-language or multi-language fashion.
  • A framework for analysis/transformation of polyglot programs, i.e.:
    programs (or single source files) written in multiple

However, Cubix’s generic-programming capabilities make it a powerful
tool for building all kinds of programming tools, even for only one
language. We are particularly excited about the potential of extending Cubix to
transform polyglot programs.

Getting started

To build Cubix:
First, download the sub-libraries comptrans and compstrat

git submodule update

Second, build Cubix:

stack build --ghc-options="-O0 -j +RTS -A256m -n2m -RTS"

You may be prompted for your Github credentials to download the
third-party frontends.
You are now ready to run Cubix transformations:

stack exec examples-multi java hoist input-files/java/

Cubix has many dependencies, several of which are not on Hackage/Stackage, including some forks of Hackage libraries whose changes have not been merged upstream. This makes it more difficult to create a new package which depends on Cubix. For an example of how to do this, see

Compilation notes

Because of performance problems in GHC, the full Cubix will not build
with -O1 or -O2 on most machines. We’ve tried on a server with 64GB RAM; the server ran
out of memory. We eventually succeeded in building with -O2, but it took a server with over 200GB of RAM. Instead, use this command:

alias stackfastbuild="stack build --ghc-options="-O0 -j +RTS -A256m -n2m -RTS""

This builds Cubix in parallel with minimal optimization, and sets the initial GHC heap to larger than usual.
We found the following two minimal sets of compilation flags that mitigate this blowup and make compilation manageable:
1: -fno-cse -fno-full-laziness
2: -fno-specialize -funfolding-creation-threshold=0
If disable everything except CSE and specialise, blow-up still
occurs. Remains true with -O1
Adding “–flag cubix:only-one-language” to the build command will turn on a compile flag that disables building support for all languages except Lua, the smallest language. This greatly speeds compilation times, to the point where we are able to compile with -O2 on 2015 MacBook Pro. Some of the performance reports in cubix/benchmarks/reports were compiled with this flag.

Docker Image

A Docker image containing the version of Cubix submitted to OOPSLA 2018 along with runs of all the experiments, including the human study, is available from .

Directory Overview

Overview of directories (corresponding to the top-level of the zip file, and the /cubix directory on the Docker image):

/stack.yaml         # High-level build description
/package.yaml     # Low-level build description 
/examples           # Example transformations built with Cubix
/examples/multi # The main driver for the multi-language transformations
/comptrans         # Source code for the comptrans library
/compstrat          # Source code for compstrat, our library for Strategic Programming with Compositional Datatypes
/input-files         # Small test inputs in each of the 5 languages
/scripts               # Scripts for running the transformations over compiler test suites

Running the built-in transformations and analyses

Use this command from the top-level directory (the one that contains “stack.yaml”):

stack exec examples-multi

You will be give the following help:

examples-multi <language> <transform> <file>*
examples-multi <language> <analysis>  <file>*
Transforms available: debug,id,cfg,elementary-hoist,hoist,tac,testcov,ipt
Analyses available: anal-triv-call

Note that only the IPT transformation can be run on multiple files.
For example, to run the three-address code transformation on a JavaScript file named “Foo.js”, run: stack exec examples-multi javascript tac Foo.js
It can be faster to run the executable directory, without using stack exec. On the first author’s laptop, this executable is located at .stack-work/dist/x86_64-osx/Cabal-

Using the Interprocedural Plumbing Transformation (IPT) Tool

We recommend also using the rlwrap command to enable command history.

rlwrap stack exec examples-multi java ipt input-files/java/ipt/*.java

In C and Java, you will additionally be prompted for the type of the
parameter to add. Give this type as an AST for language-c or
language-java (e.g.: (PrimType IntT), not int).

Running the language test suites

Cubix comes with scripts for running any semantics-preserving
transformation on language test suites for C, Java, JavaScript, Lua,
and Python, in the files scripts/test_java.rb and similar. To do so:

  1. Follow the below instructions to install the language tests.
  2. Each .rb file contains a constant at the top like JAVA_DIR and
    JAVA_TESTS pointing to the language implementation and tests
    directory. Modify these appropriately.
  3. Run ./scripts/test_<lang>.rb <name of transformation>

These scripts will run the transformation on all tests, run the
transformed tests, and report the final pass/fail counts.
For all transformations except id, they will first run the identity
transformation, and discard any tests that fail. This rules out…