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ProxySQL Admin

The ProxySQL Admin (proxysql-admin) solution configures Percona XtraDB cluster nodes into ProxySQL.
Please log ProxySQL Admin bug reports here:
proxysql-admin usage info

Usage: proxysql-admin [ options ]
  --config-file=<config-file>        Read login credentials from a configuration file
                                     (command line options override any configuration file values)

  --login-file=<login-file-path>     Read login credentials from an encrypted file.
                                     If the --login-password or --login-password-file options
                                     are not specified, then the user will be prompted
                                     for the password.
                                     (command line options override any login file values)
  --login-password=<password>        The key used to decrypt the encrypted login-file.
                                     This cannot be used with --login-password-file.
  --login-password-file=<path>       Read the key from a file using the <path>.
                                     This cannot be used with --login-password

  --writer-hg=<number>               The hostgroup that all traffic will be sent to
                                     by default. Nodes that have 'read-only=0' in MySQL
                                     will be assigned to this hostgroup.
  --backup-writer-hg=<number>        If the cluster has multiple nodes with 'read-only=0'
                                     and max_writers set, then additional nodes (in excess
                                     of max_writers), will be assigned to this hostgroup.
  --reader-hg=<number>               The hostgroup that read traffic should be sent to.
                                     Nodes with 'read-only=0' in MySQL will be assigned
                                     to this hostgroup.
  --offline-hg=<number>              Nodes that are determined to be OFFLINE will
                                     be assigned to this hostgroup.

  --proxysql-datadir=<datadir>       Specify the proxysql data directory location
  --proxysql-username=<user_name>    ProxySQL service username
  --proxysql-password[=<password>]   ProxySQL service password
  --proxysql-port=<port_num>         ProxySQL service port number
  --proxysql-hostname=<host_name>    ProxySQL service hostname

  --cluster-username=<user_name>     Percona XtraDB Cluster node username
  --cluster-password[=<password>]    Percona XtraDB Cluster node password
  --cluster-port=<port_num>          Percona XtraDB Cluster node port number
  --cluster-hostname=<host_name>     Percona XtraDB Cluster node hostname

  --cluster-app-username=<user_name> Percona XtraDB Cluster node application username
  --cluster-app-password[=<password>] Percona XtraDB Cluster node application password
  --without-cluster-app-user         Configure Percona XtraDB Cluster without an application user

  --monitor-username=<user_name>     Username for monitoring Percona XtraDB Cluster nodes through ProxySQL
  --monitor-password[=<password>]    Password for monitoring Percona XtraDB Cluster nodes through ProxySQL
  --use-existing-monitor-password    Do not prompt for a new monitor password if one is provided.

  --node-check-interval=<NUMBER>     The interval at which the proxy should connect
                                     to the backend servers in order to monitor the
                                     Galera staus of a node (in milliseconds).
                                     (default: 5000)
  --mode=[loadbal|singlewrite]       ProxySQL read/write configuration mode
                                     currently supporting: 'loadbal' and 'singlewrite'
                                     (default: 'singlewrite')
  --write-node=<IPADDRESS>:<PORT>    Specifies the node that is to be used for
                                     writes for singlewrite mode.  If left unspecified,
                                     the cluster node is then used as the write node.
                                     This only applies when 'mode=singlewrite' is used.
  --max-connections=<NUMBER>         Value for max_connections in the mysql_servers table.
                                     This is the maximum number of connections that
                                     ProxySQL will open to the backend servers.
                                     (default: 1000)
  --max-transactions-behind=<NUMBER> Determines the maximum number of writesets a node
                                     can have queued before the node is SHUNNED to avoid
                                     stale reads.
                                     (default: 100)
  --use-ssl=[yes|no]                 If set to 'yes', then connections between ProxySQL
                                     and the backend servers will use SSL.
                                     (default: no)
                                     If set to 'yes', then all writers (backup-writers also)
                                     are added to the reader hostgroup.
                                     If set to 'no', then none of the writers (backup-writers also)
                                     will be added to the reader hostgroup.
                                     If set to 'backup', then only the backup-writers
                                     will be added to the reader hostgroup.
                                     (default: backup)
  --remove-all-servers               When used with --update-cluster, this will remove all
                                     servers belonging to the current cluster before
                                     updating the list.
  --server=<IPADDRESS>:<PORT>        Specifies the IP address and port for a single server. This can
                                     be used with --syncusers or --sync-multi-cluster-users
                                     to sync a single non-cluster server node.
  --add-query-rule                   Create query rules for synced mysql user. This is applicable only
                                     for singlewrite mode and works only with --syncusers
                                     and --sync-multi-cluster-users options.
  --force                            This option will skip existing configuration checks in mysql_servers,
                                     mysql_users and mysql_galera_hostgroups tables. This option will
                                     work with '--enable' and '--update-cluster'.
                                     This will also cause certain checks to issue warnings instead
                                     of an error.
  --disable-updates                  Disable admin updates for ProxySQL cluster for the
                                     current operation. The default is to not change the
                                     admin variable settings.  If this option is specifed,
                                     these options will be set to false.
                                     (default: updates are not disabled)
  --use-stdin-for-credentials        If set, then the MySQL client will use stdin to send credentials
                                     to the client (instead of process substition).
                                     (default: process subsitution is used)
  --debug                            Enables additional debug logging.
  --help                             Displays this help text.

These options are the possible operations for proxysql-admin.
One of the options below must be provided.
  --adduser                          Adds the Percona XtraDB Cluster application user to the ProxySQL database
  --disable, -d                      Remove any Percona XtraDB Cluster configurations from ProxySQL